Fajls rikjesti
Id-dejta li jmiss ġejja minn kopja "cache" u l-aħħar aġġornament kien: 09:04, 4 Jannar 2025. Mhux aktar minn 5,000 riżultati huma disponibbli fil-"cache".
The following files are used but do not exist. Files from foreign repositories may be listed despite existing. Any such false positives will be struck out. Additionally, pages that embed files that do not exist are listed in Kategorija:Paġni b'ħoloq lejn fajls miksura.
Showing below up to 50 results in range #1 to #50.
Stampa:Open book 01.svg(1,896 links)Stampa:Nuvola apps edu languages.svg(781 links)Stampa:Books-aj.svg aj ashton 01.svg(472 links)Stampa:English language.svg(429 links)Stampa:Nuvola apps bookcase.svg(389 links)Stampa:Open book 01.png(336 links)Stampa:Flag of Malta.svg(323 links)Stampa:Nuvola filesystems www.png(319 links)Stampa:Flag of Sicily.svg(317 links)Stampa:Flag of France.svg(306 links)Stampa:Flag of Italy.svg(249 links)Stampa:Flag of Spain.svg(240 links)Stampa:Flag of Germany.svg(182 links)Stampa:Flag of Austria.svg(175 links)Stampa:Documentation-plain.svg(75 links)Stampa:Flag of the Arab League.svg(71 links)Stampa:Nuvola kdict glass.svg(70 links)Stampa:Flag of Corsica.svg(64 links)Stampa:Flag of the Netherlands.svg(62 links)Stampa:Flag of the Vatican City - 2001 version.svg(61 links)Stampa:Flag of Vatican City (2001–2023).svg(60 links)Stampa:Flag of Suriname.svg(49 links)Stampa:Lang-pt2.gif(49 links)Stampa:Flag of Flanders.svg(47 links)Stampa:Flag of Sweden.svg(45 links)Stampa:Isimple system icons web find.png(42 links)Stampa:Flag of Vietnam.svg(38 links)Stampa:Flag of the Basque Country.svg(36 links)Stampa:Nuvola apps tree.png(35 links)Stampa:Ceres symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Chiron symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Comet symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Earth symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Eris symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Flag of the United Nations.svg(34 links)Stampa:Globus cruciger (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Gonggong symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Haumea symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Hygiea astrological symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Hygiea symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Juno symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Jupiter symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Makemake symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Mars symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Mercury symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Moon crescent symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Moon decrescent symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Neptune symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Orcus symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)Stampa:Pallas symbol (fixed width).svg(34 links)